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Straight to the point plan for $GPTW


Q3 2024

  1. Launch of our playable beta and

  1. Our official trailer is live!

  1. Launch of our telegram dApp

  1. Play to airdrop + important benefits

Q4 2024

  1. Listing of $GPTW in major exchanges

  1. Launch of our V.1 game

  1. Game is available in other consoles than PC (TBA)

Q1 2025

  1. New game mode available: ""Tournament mode""

  1. Skins integrations with at least 50 partners

  1. Upgradeable available for the resistance, to get paid with $GPTW

Q2 2025

  1. Players can use robots to compete between each other

  1. Robots upgradeables available

  1. Maps customization with $GPTW

Last updated